Photo Odense Denmark, shows lane markings for thru and right turns in bike lane

This is a variation on the Odense right turning slip lane for bikes. In this situation, they have heavy crosswalk counts so didn’t want the fully free right, but it was still desirable to sort bike riders by their turning movements to eliminate conflicts at start up of green – so riders get to the left if going through (or subsequently turning left at the far side of the intersection), and get to the right if turning right. Both bike movements are held by red (again, no turn on Red in Denmark for safety sake).

Categories: DenmarkOdense


Robin Lewis is a transportation engineer for a medium-sized but rapidly growing city, Bend, Oregon. She has worked together with other staff to: create the City's bicycling master plan which includes a mapped network of low-stress bicycling routes; normalize the use of roundabouts over traffic signals (Bend has 43 and counting); and update the city's standards to require low-stress walking and bicycling facilities, including cross-walks.


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