The question we’ve been chasing this week is why does Copenhagen have the transportation system that they do? What we are learning is that they intentionally re-constructed and continue to build out their transportation system to help them meet their community values – these are some questions they asked themselves: Read more…

Building Height

Building Height Early on, for their central district they recognized that – buildings should be 4 to 6 stories. Anything taller and they strongly believe that people lose their connection to the ground – their connection to plazas, parks and gathering space. Anything taller and they believe it leads to Read more…

Maintenance Equipment

Copenhagen bike and pedestrian facility sweeper. Any facility you own requires operations and on-going maintenance. In Copenhagen, their City works on the bicycling network and pedestrian network first – before the streets and portions of the network used by people driving. The rationale: They have such high mode usage, that Read more…