Building Height
Early on, for their central district they recognized that – buildings should be 4 to 6 stories. Anything taller and they strongly believe that people lose their connection to the ground – their connection to plazas, parks and gathering space. Anything taller and they believe it leads to people feeling lonely, living in the sky, rather than living in town. If you look out your balcony from the 7th or 8th floor, you can’t really feel a connection to anyone on the street. -Andreas Rohl, Gehl Architects
The density in Copenhagen is achieved by having nearly every building 4-6 stories high.
They have great schools and parks and playgrounds close to home and easy to walk or bike to. This creates their community and boosts livability.
Amendment: 6/26/2022 – I did see a new neighborhood with all 8 story buildings, and it is interesting to note that yes, the balconies on the 7th and 8th Floors are hard to see from the ground. A conversation with one of the residents said the building can certainly feel big, with so many residents. It is the largest building he has ever lived in and he misses the more intimate connection he held with his neighbors in other buildings.